National Children’s Dental Health Month

Happy February from Spilman Dentistry. February is National Children’s Dental Health Month which makes it the perfect time for Dr. Spilman to review some of the important steps in keeping your child’s smile happy and healthy. Keep reading to discover some tips and tricks to keep your child’s dental health on track. 

It’s important to start good dental habits at a young age for your childInfants won't get teeth until 6-8 months of age but before the first tooth erupts parents should gently wipe the gum area after each feeding time to keep the mouth clean. Toddlers should be able to brush their own teeth but the majority of the brushing should still be done by mom and dad. Older children should be instructed by parents and their dental office. Please DO NOT threaten dental work to correct your child’s behavior. Saying things like "if you don't brush then you will get a cavity and you will have to get a shot with a big long needle." 

Remember to make brushing fun! If you struggle with keeping your child interested in brushing, there are plenty of apps available with timers as well as apps that make brushing an engaging game. For your child’s toothbrush we recommend soft bristle brush and fluoridated toothpaste. A pea-size drop of toothpaste is all that your child needs!

A balanced diet is one of the important steps in keeping your child’s smile healthy! We suggest fruits that are low in sugar like apples. Foods and drinks low in sugar helps lower the risk of cavities. 

Your child is ready to visit our office as soon as they can sit on your lap and let us examine them. We suggest parents bring along their children for their own routine visits so they can get used to the sights and noises of a dental office. Their first exposure to the dental office should not be when they are having an issue. Parents: don't let your dental hang-ups or lack of care get passed down to the next generation!

We hope you find these dental health tips helpful while you're teaching your child the importance of oral hygiene. If you have any other questions please ask us the next time you are in for a visit. Until then, have a wonderful and healthy February!